
Calamari requires:

  • Python3.7 or later including the development packages.

  • (optional) cuda/cudnn libs for GPU support, see tensorflow for the versions which are required/compatible.

Calamari was tested on Linux, but should be flawlessly usable on windows or mac.

See also the install instructions for tfaip and tensorflow.

Installation using Pip

The suggested method is to install calamari into a virtual environment using pip:

virtualenv -p python3 PATH_TO_VENV_DIR # (e.g. virtualenv -p python3 calamari_venv)
source PATH_TO_VENV_DIR/bin/activate
pip install calamari-ocr

which will install Calamari and all of its dependencies.

To install the package without a virtual environment simply run

Installation from Source

To install the package from its source, download the source code and install it. Optionally (but recommended) install in a virtual env.

git clone
cd calamari
python install

Conda users can alternatively call

conda env create -f environment_master.yml

Development Setup

Calamari uses black code styling. It is recommended to integrate running black as pre-commit hook. The following guide helps to setup everything.

The requirements pre-commit and black are already part of the requirements. Setup pre-commit by calling:

pre-commit install

To upgrade the pre-commit packages call

pre-commit autoupdate